W H A T I S F I N E A R T ?
Materials evolve and change. Tastes evolve and change. The popularity of subjects are continually morphing.
All of that has an effect on artists and our work. Even artists evolve but they do not change, in my opinion.
My belief is that Art is an inner, relentlessly hungry entity and must be nurtured.
My art is as fluid as my life. I work in multiple mediums because no two subjects are alike. The subject sets its own demands.
I look at a subject and I see the best medium for it. It is that simple.
All of that has an effect on artists and our work. Even artists evolve but they do not change, in my opinion.
My belief is that Art is an inner, relentlessly hungry entity and must be nurtured.
My art is as fluid as my life. I work in multiple mediums because no two subjects are alike. The subject sets its own demands.
I look at a subject and I see the best medium for it. It is that simple.
My portrait work is based on the personality of the subject; whether a human, a beloved pet or an object representative of the subject. Not everyone should look the same. Not everyone rendered should be rendered in only one medium. These portraits are sketches in graphite or colored pencils, pen and ink, watercolor, pastel, acrylic or oil paint. Rendered on paper, sanded board, canvas and walls (as murals), their images all depend on the dictates of the clients and their unique (sometimes iconic) image.*
*Not all portraits are "pretty." Some are representational rather than an exact portrait,
but just as personal for the client. |